Premium Tier Card Features


Platforms who subscribe to the premium tier of Synapse's native card issuance (i.e. premium cards), will be able to offer end-users certain premium features.

ABU (Automatic Billing Updater)

The Automatic Billing Updater, or “ABU,” feature allows acquiring banks to be automatically notified when the Personal Account Number (PAN) and expiration date have been updated for a user's natively issued card to avoid interruption of existing billing relationships. When ABU is enabled and a replacement card is issued for a user, the updated card information will be reported back to merchants (e.g. Netflix, Amazon) with the new PAN, expiration date, and reason for the update. Additional actions on the part of Platforms shouldn't be needed with respect to this new feature, but Platforms should understand that abu_token will be included in card details for Premium tier cards with ABU set up.



Please note that this is compatible with Mastercard Data Enablement Services (MDES) and should work for tokens (e.g. Apple Pay tokens).

Important Considerations for ABU

  1. Though this feature is available to all Platforms who subscribe to Premium Native Card Issuance, you will need to contact Synapse to enabled the feature through your Card Preference controls (card_preferences.enable_abu: True). , so long as the new card is issued to the same account that the old card was issued to.
  2. In order for an ABU token (abu_token) to be reassigned when a customer updates their card information (i.e. to update various merchants with the new billing information), the new card must be assigned to the same account that the previous card was assigned to.

Sub-Resources for ABU

Additional Premium Tier Card Features

Additional premium tier card features will be listed on this page when available.