Card Subnet Object

_id stringObject ID of subnet
_links.self.hrefstringHAL-style link for the subnet object
abu_tokenstring[For Premium Cards Only] ABU (Automatic Billing Updater) token for the card. Refer to Premium Tier Card Features for more details.
access_tokenstringAccess token of subnet
account_classstringAccount class of subnet
account_numstringAccount number associated with subnet
card_hashstringCard hash
card_style_idstringStyle ID of card
client.idstringID of the client associated with the subnet
client.namestringName of the client associated with the subnet
created_onintegerDate of subnet creation (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
cvcstring[Hidden] CVC code
expstringExpiration date of card (in YYYY-MM-DD)
nicknamestringNickname given to the card.
node_idstringNode ID associated with the subnet. Funds will be credited to this node when credits arrive
preferences.allow_foreign_transactionsbooleanFlag to allow foreign transactions
preferences.allow_cash_transactionsbooleanAllow or disallow cash transactions (e.g. CASH, PURCHASE_WITH_CASH_DISBURSEMENT, or QUASI_CASH as described here).
preferences.daily_transaction_limitintegerMax daily transaction limit for card.
preferences.daily_cash_limitintegerMax daily cash transaction limit for card in USD. (e.g. CASH, PURCHASE_WITH_CASH_DISBURSEMENT, or QUASI_CASH as described here).
statusstringSubnet status. See Subnet Statuses for more information
status_codestringStatus reason code. Can be set as USER_REQUESTED or FRAUD_ALERT via the Update Card Status call. Cards terminated ("status": "TERMINATED") due to user request ("status_code": "USER_REQUESTED") will not count against the user's subnet limits, but all other status reason codes will. NOTE: Separate automated processes may set status_code` as FRAUD_ALERT, ACCOUNT_CLOSED, or ACCOUNT_LOCKED.
supp_idstringAdditional ID supplied to subnet
user_idstringUser ID associated with the subnet