Subnet Statuses

Subnet Statuses

These subnet statusus apply to both Issued Card and Account & Routing Number (AC/RT) subnets.

ACTIVEFunds may pass through this subnet.
INACTIVEFunds may NOT pass through this subnet.

Status may be updated to ACTIVE.
TERMINATEDFunds may NOT pass through this subnet.

Status may NOT be updated (specific to Legacy Cards only)

Subnet Status Codes

When a subnet is deactivated ("status": "INACTIVE") or terminated ("status": "TERMINATED"), a status reason code (status_code) should be supplied as well to provide additional information about why the change in subnet status occurred.

USER_REQUESTEDThe user has requested termination of a subnet (e.g. a card) due to reasons other than fraud. The Update Card Status call can be used to set this status code.

NOTE: Cards terminated (`"status": "TERMINATED") due to user request will not count against the user's subnet limits, but all other status reason codes will.
ACCOUNT_CLOSEDSubnet terminated because its associated user account was closed (`"permission": "CLOSED").

NOTE: This subnet status will typically be set by automated processes defined by Synapse.
ACCOUNT_LOCKEDSubnet Terminated due to LOCKED user account PERMISSION.

NOTE: This subnet status will typically be set by automated processes defined by Synapse.
FRAUD_ALERTThis can either be a user-requested termination or deactivation of a subnet (e.g. a card) due to suspicion of fraud or an automatic deactivation of a card due to a fraud alert. The Update Card Status call can be used to set this status code (and the call should also be used within your app to allow a user to reactivate a card that has been deactivated due to a fraud alert).