Language-specific SDKs built around the Synapse API


Currently in Beta

Instead of using the API directly, you can use our client libraries:

Python | JavaScript | Ruby | PHP | Go


Deprecated Client Libraries

For platforms using older versions of the client libraries we recommend updating to the new libraries above. The older libraries are no longer maintained and will soon be deprecated.

Note: The older client libraries do not support changing an account from personal to business. To use this and other newer features, we recommend upgrading to a newer library.

Library Initialization

import synapsepy

client = Client(
const Synapse = require('synapsenode');
const Client = Synapse.Client;

const client = new Client({
  client_id: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
  client_secret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
  fingerprint: process.env.FINGERPRINT,
  ip_address: '<ip_address>',
  isProduction: false
args = {
  # synapse client_id
  client_id:        ENV.fetch("client_id"),
  # synapse client_secret
  client_secret:    ENV.fetch("client_secret"),
  # a hashed value, either unique to user or static for app
  fingerprint:      "fp",
  # end user's IP
  ip_address:       'ip',
  # (optional) requests go to sandbox endpoints if true
  development_mode: true,
  # (optional) if true logs requests to stdout
  logging: true,
  # (optional) file path to write logs to
  log_to: nil,
  # (optional) rases for 2FA and MFA if set to true
  raise_for_202: true

client  =
require_once 'vendor/synapsefi/synapsephp/synapse_rest/client.php';

$clientObj = (object) [
   'client_id' => 'your_client_id',
   'client_secret' => 'your_client_secret',
   'fingerprint' => '|your_finger_print',
   'ip_address' => 'your_ip_address',
   'devmode' => True,
   'logging' => True,
   'handle202' => True
client = Client($clientObj);

// credentials used to set headers for each method request
var client = synapse.New(


Automatic OAuth Updates

You do not need to add oauth_key to the headers after a user is created and authentication is performed. The libraries automatically do that for you.