Common errors returned and their formats

The API returns JSON with an error code and description in case of any error during the request as shown. In case the error is in a specific field, it also returns the field name in an error object. Some general details about the type of error message you received (error.code) can be found on the Error Messages page and the error message's description (error.en) will contain specific details for the error.

  "error": {
    "code": "generic_error_message_code",
    "en": "Generic Error Message Description"
  "error_code": "400",
  "http_code": "409",
  "success": false


Understanding Error Codes

Please remember to check the http_status, error_status, and JSON associated with the error response to better understand the error.


Error Messages

When building out your application, we recommend relying only on the HTTP Status and Error Codes for your error handling logic. Error messages are subject to change.

HTTP Status Codes and Error Status Codes