To perform an action for a user, you need to supply a valid OAuth Key in the header field of the API request

Request Body

refresh_tokenstring[Required] User-specific refresh token for oauth (expires after 10 uses)
scopearray of stringsDefines the level of access a user's oauth_token provides. By default, the oauth_token provides access to all available scopes. To limit this, set scope in the request body.


OAuth Expiration

OAuth keys expire every two hours. Remember to account for this when building out your application

Available Scopes

USER|PATCHOAuth can be used to update User document
USER|GETOAuth can be used to get User
NODES|POSTOAuth can be used to add Nodes
NODES|GETOAuth can be used to get Nodes
NODE|GETOAuth can be used to get Node
NODE|PATCHOAuth can be used to update Node
NODE|DELETEOAuth can be used to delete Node
TRANS|POSTOAuth can be used to add Transaction
TRANS|GETOAuth can be used to get Transaction
TRAN|GETOAuth can be used to get Transaction
TRAN|PATCHOAuth can be used to update Transaction
TRAN|DELETEOAuth can be used to cancel Transaction
SUBNETS|POSTOAuth can be used to create Subnets
SUBNETS|GETOAuth can be used to get Subnets
SUBNET|GETOAuth can be used to get a Subnet
SUBNET|PATCHOAuth can be used to update a Subnet
STATEMENTS|GETOAuth can be used to get Statements
STATEMENT|GETOAuth can be used to get a Statement