Linking a Card


In order to create card transactions, you will need to link a card to a user's account in our system. Doing so successfully will create an <<account_interchangeUS>> node in our system.

Linking Card

To link a card, you will need:

  • The card number (which must be encrypted before being passed on via our API).
    • Note: Once you send the encrypted card number to our API, it cannot be retrieved.
  • Expiration date of the card in YYYYMMDD format (also encrypted).
  • User Base Document ID to associate with the card.
  • (Highly Recommended) Nickname assigned to the <<account_interchangeUS>> node.
    • Use a nickname for the card since (as stated above) you will be unable to retrieve the card number once it is in our system.

Refer to the Link Card API call for more details.

Card Verification

Upon linking a card, a $0.01 transaction will be debited from the card to verify the card. This $0.01 transaction will reflect as cancelled on the user's statement within 1-2 business days.

Linking a Card Sub-Resources