Create a INTERCHANGE-US node

Request Body

typestring[Required] Node type. Set as INTERCHANGE-US
info.card_numberstring[Required] Encrypted card number. See Encrypting Sensitive Information
info.exp_datestring[Required] Encrypted expiration date in YYYYMM format. See Encrypting Sensitive Information
info.document_idstring[Required] User base document ID to associate with the card.
info.nicknamestringNickname assigned to the node. It is highly recommended that you assign a nickname.
extra.notestringMemo tagged with the node. [Max Length: 140]
extra.supp_idstringAdditional ID to assign to the node


Card Number Retrieval

Once you send the encrypted card number to our API, it cannot be retrieved. Please assign the node a nickname to keep track of the card

Additional Information

  • Upon linking a card, a 1¢ transaction will be debited from the card to verify the card. The 1¢ transaction will reflect as cancelled on the user's statement within 1-2 business days.

Sandbox Test Card Values
