Sandbox Test Values
Test Values for your sandbox environment
Real Identities and Documents
Please do not submit real KYC in sandbox. You cannot verify real identities and document information in sandbox.
Base Documents
With the exception of addresses test base document requirements are nonrigorous. Any value following the appropriate format for the specific document (Ex., phone: 000.000.0000) will be accepted.
Valid USPS mailable addresses are required
Value | Result |
123 Fail Address, Fail City, FS 00000 | Supplied address is invalid / Unable to verify address |
1 Market Street Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 | Validation is successful |
325 S Santa Claus Ln North Pole, AK 99705 | Validation successful. Will trigger an AVS exception when attempting to create an INTERCHANGE-US node (i.e. when attempting to link an external card in Sandbox). |
Virtual Documents
Value | Result |
2222 | Validation Successful |
Any other value | Validation Fails |
Realtime SSN Test Values
Please note the failure reasons and status codes below are only available on a user full dehydrate and when Realtime SSN is included in your spec sheet.
Value | Failure Reason | Failure Status Code |
9000 | invalid_tin|not_issued | 2 |
2225 | invalid_tin|name_mismatch | 3 |
0010 | invalid_tin|duplicate_request | 5 |
6666 | invalid_tin|dmf | 9 |
2220 | invalid_tin|info_mismatch | 10 |
2800 | invalid_tin|reason_unknown | 11 |
0005 | invalid_tin|missing_info | 12 |
Physical Documents
The base64 you send via this API call should be padded. See below:
To be able to generate a sample base64
string, you can go to Base64 Image. They make it very easy to generate a padded base64
string for any image. You can then use that base64 string to test with our APIs.
Value | Result |
 | Validation Fails |
Any other value | Validation Successful |
Social Documents
Type | Value | Result |
EMAIL_2FA and PHONE_NUMBER_2FA | 123456 | Validation Succesful |
EMAIL | | Validation Fails |
IP | | Validation Fails |
FACEBOOK | | Validation Fails |
LINKEDIN | | Validation Fails |
TWITTER | | Validation Fails |
PHONE_NUMBER | 541-754-3010 | Validation Fails |
User Authentication
Device Fingerprint Sandbox Test Values
Fingerprint | Validation PIN |
static_pin | 123456 |
Two-factor authentication pins will not be sent out in sandbox
Bank Logins
Testing Bank Login Credentials in Sandbox
The following are sample bank login credentials that you can use to test out your bank login implementation.
Username | Password | MFA | Bank Name | |
test_good | test1234 | again (to get multiple MFAs) or else test_answer | fake | |
synapse_good | test1234 | again (to get multiple MFAs) or else test_answer | fake | |
synapse_good | test1234_one | again (to get multiple MFAs) or else test_answer | fake | |
synapse_good | test1234_checking | again (to get multiple MFAs) or else test_answer | fake | |
synapse_good | test1234_savings | again (to get multiple MFAs) or else test_answer | fake | |
synapse_good | test1234_random | again (to get multiple MFAs) or else test_answer | fake | |
synapse_nomfa | test1234 | No multi-factor authentication ("MFA") is necessary | fake | |
synapse_code_mfa | test1234 | 123456 | fake |
Testing Login Sync Errors in Sandbox
When adding a new node, append any of these values to the end of the password. When doing a force_refresh
on the node, it will trigger the corresponding error.
Appending “_needs_relink” to the password (e.g. “test1234_savings_needs_relink") will link a node that will return the 401/110 error message when you try doing a “force_refresh”. It falls in line with our current sandbox test values so you can add “_needs_relink” to the end of any of the passwords above.
HTTP_CODE | ERROR_CODE | Append to Password | Description |
503 | 503 | _sync_unavailable | Refresh unavailable |
400 | 410 | _sync_not_allowed | Refresh not allowed |
401 | 110 | _needs_relink | Bad credentials |
500 | 500 | _sync_unknown_error | Unknown refresh error |
Card Issuance Sandbox Test Values
Card Style | Value |
card_style_id | 660 |
Account/Routing (AC/RT) Numbers Sandbox Test Values
Account Number | Routing Number |
Any Number between 5-25 digits *Please do not submit real account numbers in sandbox | Any Valid Routing Number |
Micro-Deposit Test Values
If a bank account is added with AC/RT numbers, we automatically send micro-deposits to the user's external bank account for verification. Here are the micro-deposit values for sandbox:
Micro-Deposit Amount 1 (cUSD) | Micro-Deposit Amount 2 (cUSD) |
10 | 10 |
Transactions in Dollars (USD)
Please note that the transaction amounts for the sandbox test values provided below are in dollars (USD).
ACH Transactions
Amount (USD) | Type | Response | Locks the Node | Locks the User |
222.22 | DEBIT | R01 -- Insufficient Funds | ||
222.23 | CREDIT | R02 -- Account Closed | ✅ (receiving node locked in Sandbox) | |
222.24 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R03 -- No Account/Unable to Locate Account | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of ACH payment) | |
222.25 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R04 -- Invalid Account Number | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of ACH payment) | |
222.26 | CREDIT | R06 -- Returned Per ODFI's Request | ||
222.27 | DEBIT | R07 -- Authorization Revoked by Customer | ||
222.28 | DEBIT | R08 -- Payment Stopped | ✅ (sending node locked) | |
222.29 | DEBIT | R09 -- Uncollected Funds | ||
222.30 | DEBIT | R10 -- Customer Advises Not Authorized | ||
222.31 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R11 -- Check Safekeeping Entry Return | ||
222.32 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R12 -- Branch Sold To Another DFI | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of ACH payment) | |
222.33 | CREDIT | R13 -- RDFI Not Qualified to Participate | ✅ (sending node locked) | |
222.34 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R14 -- Account Holder Deceased | ✅ (user locked depends on origin of ACH payment) | |
222.35 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R16 -- Account Frozen | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of ACH payment) | |
222.36 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R17 -- File Record Edit Criteria | ||
222.37 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R20 -- Non-Transaction Account | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of ACH payment) | |
222.38 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R21 -- Invalid Company Identification | ||
222.39 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R22 -- Invalid Individual ID Number | ||
222.40 | CREDIT | R23 -- Credit Refused by Receiver | ||
222.41 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R24 -- Duplicate Entry | ||
222.42 | DEBIT | R29 -- Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized | ✅ (sending user locked) | |
222.43 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R31 -- Permissible Return Entry | ||
222.44 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R33 -- Return of XCK Entry | ||
222.45 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | R34 -- Limited participation DFI | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of ACH payment) |
Card Transactions
Amount (USD) | Type | Response |
222.46 | DEBIT | CR01 -- Transaction not approved; Possible NSF |
222.47 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | CR02 -- International transaction detected; This card does not have international transaction permissions |
222.48 | DEBIT | CR03 -- Transaction exceeds ATM or POS withdrawal limits |
222.49 | DEBIT | CR04 -- Invalid PIN attempted; Please try again or reset the pin |
222.50 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | CR05 -- Card status is in a state which does not allow for any transactions |
222.51 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | CR06 -- Invalid expiration date |
222.52 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | CR07 -- Transaction validation failed |
222.53 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | CR08 -- There is an issue with the card; please check the card |
222.54 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | CR09 -- There is an issue associated with the card deposit account of the card |
Check Transactions
Amount (USD) | Type | Response |
223.12 | CREDIT | CHR01 -- NSF – customer does not have sufficient funds to cover the item |
223.13 | CREDIT | CHR02 -- UCF – uncollected funds hold |
223.14 | CREDIT | CHR03 -- Stop payment – a stop payment has been placed on the item |
223.15 | CREDIT | CHR05 -- Closed account – the item’s account has been closed |
223.16 | CREDIT | CHR06 -- UTLA – unable to locate account |
223.17 | CREDIT | CHR07 -- Frozen/blocked account – account has restrictions placed by customer or bank |
223.18 | CREDIT | CHR08 -- Stale dated – the date on the item is more than 6 months old |
223.19 | CREDIT | CHR09 -- Post dated – the date on the item is in the future ‘I’ Endorsement missing |
223.20 | CREDIT | CHR10 -- Endorsement irregular |
223.21 | CREDIT | CHR11 -- Signature(s) missing |
223.22 | CREDIT | CHR12 -- Signature(s) irregular, suspected forgery |
223.23 | CREDIT | CHR13 -- Non-cash item (non negotiable) |
223.24 | CREDIT | CHR14 -- Altered/fictitious item/Suspected counterfeit/Counterfeit |
223.25 | CREDIT | CHR15 -- Unable to process |
223.26 | CREDIT | CHR16 -- Items exceeds stated max value |
223.27 | CREDIT | CHR17 -- Not authorized RCC |
223.28 | CREDIT | CHR18 -- Branch/account sold (Wrong Bank) |
223.29 | CREDIT | CHR19 -- Refer to Maker |
223.30 | CREDIT | CHR20 -- Item cannot be re-presented (exceeds allowable number of presentments |
223.31 | CREDIT | CHR21 -- unusable image |
223.32 | CREDIT | CHR22 -- Cannot determine amount |
223.33 | CREDIT | CHR23 -- Refer to image – return reason is contained within the image of the item |
223.34 | CREDIT | CHR24 -- Duplicate presentment |
223.35 | CREDIT | CHR25 -- Forgery – an affidavit shall be available upon request |
223.36 | CREDIT | CHR26 -- Warranty breach (includes Rule 8 & 9 claims) |
223.37 | CREDIT | CHR27 -- RCC warranty breach |
223.38 | CREDIT | CHR28 -- Forged and counterfeit warranty breach (Rule 9) |
223.39 | CREDIT | CHR29 -- Retired/ineligible routing number |
223.40 | CREDIT | CHR30 -- [ADMIN] Image Missing |
223.41 | CREDIT | CHR31 -- [ADMIN] Ineligible Item |
223.42 | CREDIT | CHR32 -- [ADMIN] Item cannot be re-presented (exceeds number of allowable times for presentment) |
223.43 | CREDIT | CHR33 -- [ADMIN] unusable image |
223.44 | CREDIT | CHR34 -- [ADMIN] Image fails security check |
223.45 | CREDIT | CHR35 -- [ADMIN] Duplicate presentment |
223.46 | CREDIT | CHR36 -- [ADMIN] Does not conform with ANS X9.100-181 |
223.47 | CREDIT | CHR37 -- [ADMIN] Does not conform to the Industry’s Universal Companion Document |
223.48 | CREDIT | CHR38 -- [ADMIN] Warranty Breach (includes Rule 8 & Rule 9 claims) |
223.49 | CREDIT | CHR39 -- [ADMIN] RCC Warranty Breach (Rule 8) |
223.50 | CREDIT | CHR40 -- [ADMIN] Forged and Counterfeit Warranty Breach (Rule 9) |
223.51 | CREDIT | CHR41 -- [ADMIN] Retired/Ineligible Routing Number |
Interchange Transactions
Amount (USD) | Type | Response | Locks the Node | Locks the User |
222.55 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR05 -- Suspicious activity; do not honor this card's transactions | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.56 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR14 -- Card number does not exist | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.57 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR15 -- Card issuer does not exist | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.58 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR17 -- Customer cancelled/reversed payment | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | ✅ (user locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) |
222.59 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR18 -- The customer reversed the transaction: chargeback | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.60 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR33 -- Expired card, pick-up | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.61 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR36 -- Restricted card, pick-up | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.62 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR38 -- PIN tried too many times; request a new card or try again later | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.63 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR41 -- Lost card: request a new card | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.64 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR43 -- Stolen card: request a new card | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.65 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR54 -- Card Expired: request a new card | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | |
222.66 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR56 -- No record of the validity of the card | ||
222.67 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR57 -- Transaction not permitted to cardholder | ||
222.68 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR58 -- Transaction denied by acceptor(Potential chargeback detected) | ||
222.69 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR59 -- Suspected Fraud | ✅ (node locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) | ✅ (user locked depends on origin of Interchange payment) |
222.70 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR63 -- Card information compromised(Potential chargeback detected) | ||
222.71 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR66 -- Merchant must contact the card acquirer | ||
222.72 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR67 -- Hard capture | ||
222.73 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR75 -- Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded | ||
222.74 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR79 -- Invalid digital signature | ||
222.75 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR86 -- Cannot verify PIN | ||
222.76 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR88 -- Card information not on file | ||
222.77 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR89 -- Security code verification failed | ||
222.78 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR93 -- Transaction is in violation of the law and will not be completed | ||
222.79 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR132 -- Country of the card issuer is blocked by this merchant | ||
222.80 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR140 -- Card product code is blocked | ||
222.81 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR144 -- CARD_ID is not valid | ||
222.82 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR150 -- Transaction declined by merchant to security code mismatch | ||
222.83 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR151 -- Transaction not allowed as per a validation rule | ||
222.84 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR156 -- Fraudulent transaction prior to embossed valid date | ||
222.85 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR158 -- Allowable PAN entries warning -- approved | ||
222.86 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR160 -- Security code is invalid | ||
222.87 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR174 -- Item suspected for stop pay | ||
222.88 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR174 -- Item suspected for stop pay | ||
222.89 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR175 -- Account associated with card was closed | ||
222.90 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR176 -- Account associated with card is ineligible for the transaction | ||
222.91 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR178 -- No account associated with card on file | ||
222.92 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR179 -- Unable to locate card | ||
222.93 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR189 -- Bad security code | ||
222.94 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR190 -- Transaction ordered to be stopped | ||
222.95 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR191 -- Transaction authorization revoked" | ||
222.96 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR193 -- Card lost: do not honor | ||
222.97 | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT | IR194 -- Account associated with the card is closed | ||
222.98 | DEBIT | IR201 -- Incorrect Expiration date | ||
222.99 | DEBIT | IR202 -- Card declined due to an unknown reason | ||
223.00 | DEBIT | IR203 -- Card card declined due to unsupported card type | ||
223.01 | DEBIT | IR204 -- Card declined due to an unknown reason | ||
223.02 | DEBIT | IR205 -- Card declined due to an unknown Reason | ||
223.03 | DEBIT | IR206 -- Card transaction request has an unknown status |
Wire Transactions
22304 | 'DEBIT' | WR01 -- Return per customer request |
22305 | 'DEBIT' | WR02 -- Return per platform request |
22306 | 'CREDIT' | WR03 -- UTA - Account closed/frozen |
22307 | 'CREDIT-AND-DEBIT' | WR04 -- UTA - Additional documents required |
22308 | 'CREDIT-AND-DEBIT' | WR05 -- UTA - Country not allowed |
22309 | 'CREDIT-AND-DEBIT' | WR06 -- UTA - Exceeds limits |
22310 | 'CREDIT-AND-DEBIT' | WR07 -- UTA - Information mismatch |
22311 | 'CREDIT-AND-DEBIT' | WR08 -- UTA - No Account/Unable to Locate Account |
Sandbox Test Cards
Number | Network | Type of Card | Permission |
9999999999999999 Expiration: 202412 | VISA | TEST | For testing duplicate card check functionality ONLY. |
9401100999999992 | VISA | DEBIT | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
9401101999999990 | VISA | DEBIT | CREDIT |
9401110999999991 | VISA | DEBIT | DEBIT |
9401113999999995 | VISA | DEBIT | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
9401200999999990 | VISA | CREDIT | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
9401201999999998 | VISA | CREDIT | CREDIT |
9401210999999999 | VISA | CREDIT | DEBIT |
9401211999999997 | VISA | CREDIT | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
9401300999999998 | VISA | PREPAID | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
9401301999999996 | VISA | PREPAID | CREDIT |
9401310999999997 | VISA | PREPAID | DEBIT |
9401311999999995 | VISA | PREPAID | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
9501100999999991 | MASTERCARD | DEBIT | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
9951101999999994 | MASTERCARD (MONEYSEND) | DEBIT | CREDIT |
9501110999999990 | MASTERCARD | DEBIT | DEBIT |
9501200999999999 | MASTERCARD | CREDIT | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
9501210999999998 | MASTERCARD | CREDIT | DEBIT |
9501300999999997 | MASTERCARD | PREPAID | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
9501310999999996 | MASTERCARD | PREPAID | DEBIT |
9601210999999997 | DISCOVER | CREDIT | DEBIT |
9601200999999998 | DISCOVER | CREDIT | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
9810203999999999 | DISCOVER | CREDIT | CREDIT |
Apple Pay Test Cards
Please note that this is a subset of the cards provided by Apple (under "Test Cards for Apps and the Web" here).
Apple Pay Test Card Number | Card Type | Card Processor | Node Status |
5204247750001471 | Debit | Mastercard | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
5204247750001505 | Debit | Mastercard | CREDIT |
5204247750001497 | Debit | Mastercard | DEBIT |
5204247750001489 | Debit | Mastercard | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
5204247750001463 | Credit | Mastercard | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
5204245250001496 | Credit | Mastercard | CREDIT |
5204245250001512 | Credit | Mastercard | DEBIT |
5204245250001504 | Credit | Mastercard | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
5204245250001488 | Prepaid | Mastercard | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
5204245250001470 | Prepaid | Mastercard | DEBIT |
4761120010000492 | Debit | Visa | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
4761349750010326 | Debit | Visa | CREDIT |
4761209980011439 | Debit | Visa | DEBIT |
4761262260004228 | Debit | Visa | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
4051069302200121 | Credit | Visa | NONE (which means both credits and debits have been disabled by cardholder. So adding this card would fail.) |
4761369980320253 | Credit | Visa | CREDIT |
4622943120054839 | Credit | Visa | DEBIT |
4761229700150465 | Credit | Visa | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
4180620070230189 | Prepaid | Visa | CREDIT-AND-DEBIT |
4123400073320224 | Prepaid | Visa | DEBIT |
Updated almost 4 years ago