User Permission Codes (Reason Codes)

User Permission Codes (permission_code) designate the reason a user was closed (CLOSED) or locked (LOCKED). These codes were developed to lessen the reliance on custom notes (extra.note) for providing context when reviewing closed and locked user accounts.

Locked Reasons

Permission Code (Reason Code)Description
BLOCKED_INDUSTRY Prohibited Industry -- Credits are derived from a prohibited industry.
DOCS_NOT_PROVIDEDDocs Not Provided -- Requested documents not provided within the allotted 14-day window.
DORMANT_ACCOUNT Dormant Account -- Dormant account status with balance. Manually reviewed by Compliance.
KYC_FRAUD|BLOCKED_LISTBlocked List KYC -- Documents used to create account are in Synapse's blocked list.
KYC_FRAUD|FRAUDULENT_DOCSFraudulent Documents Detected -- Fraudulent documents used to create account.
HIGH_RETURNSReturn Reasons -- Velocity of returns indicates fraud (automated lock).
NEGATIVE_BALANCE Negative Balance Reconciliation -- The account is overdrawn.
NOT_KNOWN Not Known -- Documents are incomplete or incorrect.
* Legacy catch-all, will be removed over time.
UNUSUAL_ACTIVITY|COMPLIANCE_SUSPICIOUSCompliance Reasons -- Indications of unusual/suspicious activity found.
UNUSUAL_ACTIVITY|LEGAL_REQUESTLegal Request -- Synapse received legal notice to restrict account.

Closed Reasons

Permission Code (Reason Code)Description
DUPLICATE_ACCOUNTDuplicate Account -- User has multiple accounts in the same platform environment.
NO_ACTIVITYNo Activity -- No activity 60 days after account opening.
NOT_KNOWNNot Known -- Documents are incomplete or incorrect.
* Legacy catch-all, will be removed over time.
PLATFORM_REQUESTPlatform Request -- Platform requested account closure.
PLATFORM_TERMINATEDPlatform Termination -- Platform's contract was terminated.
USER_REQUESTUser Request -- User requested account closure.
PERMANENT_CLOSUREPermanent Closure -- Will trigger the loan accounts to be consolidated.

Any other permission code will not consolidate the LOAN or REPAY_US balance.