Transaction Cancellation Codes

C01Test transactions not allowed on production
C02Unable to verify Sender identity
C03Unable to verify Receiver identity
C06KYC unfinished on Sender
C07KYC unfinished on Receiver
C08Sending node locked
C09Receiving node locked
C10High-risk transaction
C10-APlease collect ACH auth on Sender & then resubmit payment
C10-BPlease collect ACH auth on Receiver & then resubmit payment
C10-CHigh risk for NSF
C10-DInformation mismatch
C10-ETransaction outside the scope of gateway flow of funds
C10-FGateway not allowed to transact in Sender's state
C10-GGateway not allowed to transact in Receiver's state
C10-HTransaction canceled due to compliance reasons. Please contact us to learn more.
C10-IPossible duplicate transaction. If we are mistaken, please let us know.
C11Unable to settle transaction because from_node has 0 monthly withdrawals remaining. (For Interest Bearing Accounts).
C46Sender not authorized to make transactions
C47Receiver not authorized to make transactions
C48User maybe on screenings list. Please upload GOVT_ID.
C50Unable to process the transaction (reason undisclosed)