Photo ID Requirements

Photo ID Requirements

Users do not need to mail in their government ID. They will upload a photo of their ID.

Suggestions to improve accuracy for Photo ID uploads:

  • Steady image
  • ID occupies most of image
  • ID and text are aligned properly
  • Plain background
  • Four visible edges of the ID
  • Min resolution ~1200 pixels, minor axis
  • Good natural lighting (average pixel intensity ~150)
  • No flash
  • Name and DOB matches those supplied to us in base doc
  • Should be in full color (no black and white images accepted)
  • We recommend maximum file size of 2 MB (most high-quality JPG are around 1 MB)
    • Make sure to check your Spec Sheet to confirm if users need a US government-issued ID or if they can use an international government-issued ID

Below is an example of a high-quality Photo ID submission:

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