Internal Transfers


Internal transfers are transactions between one account in our system to another account in our system. They are the ideal payment method between Synapse-hosted accounts, as they are settled near-instantaneously, have no return risk, and are the most cost-effective method to transfer funds.

Transaction Node Type: (Not Applicable)

Internal transfers occur between two non-transaction nodes in our system (e.g., <<account_depositUS>>, <<account_loanUS>>, etc.) and thus there's no need to create a transaction node (i.e. there is no need to link a card or account).

Cut-off Time: None.

Internal transfers can occur at any point in time.

Steps to Create an Internal Transfer

  1. Make sure your controls (what you are allowed to do in our system) allow for internal transfers.
  2. Have two accounts owned by a user (or platform) with SEND-AND-RECEIVE permissions and who is not a match in one of our sanctions lists click here for our guide on how to check for this.
  3. If the above requirements are fulfilled you should now be able to Create a Transaction.
  • The node ID of the account from where funds will be pushed from should be on the node_id path parameter, while the receiving account node ID should be in the payload. Please note, there is no need to link an account for internal transfers.
