Interchange Codes

Return codes for interchange transactions

Interchange Return Codes

IR01More information is needed from the card issuer
IR02Refer to card issuer's unique transaction rules
IR03Not recognized as a valid merchant
IR04Card not activated for transaction use
IR05Suspicious activity; do not honor this card's transactions
IR06Error during transaction process
IR07Card has unique conditions; currently not activated for transaction use
IR08Needs more identification to process the transaction
IR09Transaction requested; currently in progress
IR10Transaction amount partially approved
IR11Approved but not processed
IR12Transaction invalid
IR13Transaction amount invalid
IR14Card number does not exist
IR15Card issuer does not exist
IR17Customer cancelled/reversed payment
IR18The customer reversed the transaction: chargeback
IR19Please retry the transaction
IR20Response from the card processor was invalid
IR21Transaction formatted incorrectly (Potential reversal detected)
IR22Suspected malfunction, reversal
IR23Transaction fee was unacceptable
IR24File update not supported by receiver
IR25Unable to locate record on file
IR26Duplicate file update record, no action taken
IR27File update field edit error
IR28Field update record locked out
IR29File update not successful, contact the acquirer
IR30Transaction formatted incorrectly(Potential reversal detected)
IR31Transaction must be initiated in person, bank not sup[ported by switch"
IR32Completed partially, reversal
IR33Expired card, pick-up
IR34Suspected fraud, pick-up
IR35Card acceptor must contact acquirer, pick-up
IR36Restricted card, pick-up
IR37Merchant must contact the card security
IR38PIN tried too many times; request a new card or try again later
IR39No credit account tied to credit card
IR40Function requested can not be carried out
IR41Lost card: request a new card
IR42Account tied to card is not universal
IR43Stolen card: request a new card
IR44Investment account not on required
IR45 - IR50Reserved for ISO use
IR51Card does not have sufficient funds for the transaction (NSF Card)
IR52Checking account not associated with the card
IR53Savings account not associated with the card
IR54Card Expired: request a new card
IR55Pin tried is incorrect
IR56No record of the validity of the card
IR57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
IR58Transaction denied by acceptor (Potential chargeback detected)
IR59Fraud suspected
IR60Merchant must contact the card acquirer
IR61Transaction exceeds withdrawal limit
IR62Card restricted
IR63Card information compromised(Potential chargeback detected)
IR64Original amount incorrect, reversal
IR65Current transactions exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
IR66Merchant must contact the card acquirer
IR67Hard capture
IR68Response received too late, reversal
IR69 - IR74Reserved for ISO use
IR75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
IR76Key synchronization error
IR77Reserved for private use
IR78Customer not eligible for POS
IR79Invalid digital signature
IR80Stale date transaction
IR81Issuer requested standin
IR82Count exceeds limit
IR83Reserved for private use
IR84Time limit for pre-authorization reached
IR85Issuer has no reason to decline the transaction (Account Verification)
IR86Cannot verify PIN
IR87Check already posted
IR88Card information not on file
IR89Security code verification failed
IR90Card cutoff is in progress
IR91Card change in progress or not taking effect
IR92Intermediate network/financial institution is unknown
IR93Transaction is in violation of the law and will not be completed
IR94Duplicate transaction
IR95Error with transaction reconciliation
IR96System error during transaction
IR97 - I98Reserved for national use
IR99Card network error during transaction
IR100 - IR126Reserved for ISO use
IR127SEC is invalid
IR128Address and verification check data is required for this transaction
IR129Security code date is required for the transaction
IR130 - IR131Transaction not permitted to cardholder
IR132Country of the card issuer is blocked by this merchant
IR133Incorrect MAC was sent
IR134Standard Entry Class requirements were not met
IR135System error during transaction
IR136Account length error
IR137Card information error
IR138Security code format error
IR139Internal authorization error
IR140Card product code is blocked
IR141Attempt to process a BRIC transaction on a prior PIN based transaction
IR142CyberSource Time Out Connection to CyberSource timed out
IR143CARD_ENT_METH supplied is not valid or required additional data not provided as defined
IR144CARD_ID is not valid
IR145Required PIN block not present
IR146Card Bin is not valid for pinless routing
IR147Signature store did not complete
IR148Debit PIN transactions must be swiped
IR149DB proxy response was not processed within the time out period
IR150Transaction declined by merchant to security code mismatch
IR151Transaction not allowed as per a validation rule
IR152Processing gateway full: poll again later
IR153Authorization life cycle unacceptable
IR154Authorization life cycled expired
IR155Card authentication failed
IR156Fraudulent transaction prior to embossed valid date
IR157Credit not received
IR158Allowable PAN entries warning -- approved
IR159Transaction approved with card overdraft protection
IR160Security code is invalid
IR161Internal transaction processing error
IR162Check not acceptable for cash
IR163Check not acceptable
IR164Check deposit limit exceeded
IR165Cash back limit exceeded
IR166Check amount does not match courtesy amount
IR167PIN not selected for card
IR168PIN already selected for card
IR169Unmatched voucher information
IR170Card number entered too many times
IR171Expiration date not valid for card
IR172Card status is set to inactive
IR173Expiration date mismatch: request a new card
IR174Item suspected for stop pay
IR175Account associated with card was closed
IR176Account associated with card is ineligible for the transaction
IR177Duplicate transaction
IR178No account associated with card on file
IR179Unable to locate card
IR180Transaction denied
IR181Transaction settled via ACH
IR182Cross-reference card not found
IR183Category limit exceeded
IR184Transaction limit exceeded
IR185Daily limit exceeded
IR186Monthly limit exceeded
IR187Invalid secret code
IR188Pin key sync error
IR189Bad security code
IR190Transaction ordered to be stopped
IR191Transaction authorization revoked
IR192Stop reoccurring payments
IR193Card lost: do not honor
IR194Account associated with the card is closed
IR195Account associated with the card is inactive
IR196Card has unique conditions: do not honor
IR197Purchase only approval for purchase with cash back transaction
IR198Card does not have sufficient funds for the transaction fees (NSF Card)
IR199Card chip failed during transaction
IR200PIN compromised
IR201MasterCard MoneySend Error: Incorrect Expiration date
IR202MasterCard MoneySend Error: Card declined due to an unknown reason
IR203MasterCard MoneySend Error: Card declined due to unsupported card type
IR204MasterCard MoneySend Error: Card declined due to an unknown reason
IR205MasterCard MoneySend Error: Card declined due to an unknown Reason
IR206MasterCard MoneySend Error: Card transaction request has an unknown status

Sandbox Test Values
While testing, RequestBin is an excellent tool to help you test out web-hooks for these scenarios.

111.11C10-A -- Please collect ACH auth on Sender & then resubmit payment.
111.12C46 -- Sender not authorized to make transactions.
111.13C47 -- Receiver not authorized to make transactions.
111.14C48 -- Sender on screenings list.
111.15C49 -- Receiver on screenings list.
111.16C50 -- Unable to process the transaction (reason undisclosed).


Staying Up-To-Date with Transaction Status

We recommend setting up Subscriptions to receive these updates as they occur.
Alternatively, you can also use GET transaction to check status periodically (Not Recommended).


Locating Transaction Codes

Please pay attention to timeline & recent_status keys in the transaction response. The note field contains transaction codes.

Example Queued Transaction

  "amount": {
    "amount": 1000.1,
    "currency": "USD"
  "timeline": [
      "note": "Transaction Created.",
      "date": 1490830657477,
      "status_id": "1",
      "status": "CREATED"
      "note": "Q10-K Further investigation needed from Synapse.",
      "status_id": "-1",
      "date": 1490830664676,
      "status": "QUEUED-BY-SYNAPSE"
  "fees": [
      "note": "Synapse Facilitator Fee",
      "to": {
        "id": "55b3f8c686c2732b4c4e9df6"
      "fee": 0.2
  "client": {
    "name": "Test Sandbox KYC 2.0",
    "id": "589a9ff886c2736412ce7e9e"
  "_id": "58dc45412ee69200208275d5",
  "extra": {
    "note": "Test transaction",
    "ip": "",
    "created_on": 1490830657477,
    "process_on": 1490830657477,
    "supp_id": "1122444",
    "latlon": "0,0"
  "to": {
    "user": {
      "legal_names": [
        "Test User"
      "_id": "589d56e17562960020caf936"
    "nickname": "Fake Account",
    "type": "ACH-US",
    "id": "589dc0bdab6ce7001f7f89e8"
  "recent_status": {
    "note": "Q10-K Further investigation needed from Synapse.",
    "status_id": "-1",
    "date": 1490830664676,
    "status": "QUEUED-BY-SYNAPSE"
  "from": {
    "user": {
      "legal_names": [
        "Michael Scott"
      "_id": "58dc438499c8e5001fd63895"
    "nickname": "Synapse Test Savings Account - 8902",
    "type": "ACH-US",
    "id": "58dc448cc54d7b0020113617"
  "_v": 2