Check/RDC Return Codes

Check or RDC Returns

Please note that codes relevant to Remote Deposit Capture (i.e. RDC Return Reason Codes) are marked with ✅ in the "Applicable to RDC" column.

Codes that include [Admin] in the description (i.e. administrative reason codes) denote that the Federal Reserve or a Synapse bank partner was unable to process the check.

CodeDescriptionApplicable to RDC
CHR01NSF – customer does not have sufficient funds to cover the item
CHR02UCF – uncollected funds hold
CHR03Stop payment – a stop payment has been placed on the item
CHR04Closed account – the item’s account has been closed

Unauthorized Return
CHR05UTLA – unable to locate account

Unauthorized Return
CHR06Frozen/blocked account – account has restrictions placed by customer or bank

Unauthorized Return
CHR07Stale dated – the date on the item is more than 6 months old
CHR08Post dated – the date on the item is in the future
CHR09Endorsement missing
CHR10Endorsement irregular
CHR11Signature(s) missing
CHR12Signature(s) irregular, suspected forgery
CHR13Non-cash item (non negotiable)
CHR14Altered/fictitious item/Suspected counterfeit/Counterfeit

Unauthorized Return
CHR15Unable to process
CHR16Items exceeds stated max value
CHR17Not Authorized (Includes Drafts/Remotely Created Checks) – Unauthorized item such as a draft/RCC

Unauthorized Return
CHR18Branch/account sold (Wrong Bank)
CHR19Refer to Maker
CHR20Item cannot be re-presented (exceeds allowable number of presentments
CHR21Unusable image
CHR22Cannot determine amount
CHR23Refer to image – return reason is contained within the image of the item
CHR24Duplicate Presentment (Supporting documentation shall be readily available)

Unauthorized Return
CHR25Forgery – an affidavit shall be available upon request

Unauthorized Return
CHR26Warranty breach (includes Rule 8 & 9 claims)

Unauthorized Return
CHR27RCC warranty breach
CHR28Forged and counterfeit warranty breach (Rule 9)
CHR29Retired/ineligible routing number
CHR30[ADMIN] Image Missing
CHR31[ADMIN] Ineligible Item
CHR32[ADMIN] Item cannot be re-presented (exceeds number of allowable times for presentment)
CHR33[ADMIN] unusable image
CHR34[ADMIN] Image fails security check
CHR35[ADMIN] Duplicate presentment
CHR36[ADMIN] Does not conform with ANS X9.100-181
CHR37[ADMIN] Does not conform to the Industry’s Universal Companion Document
CHR38[ADMIN] Warranty Breach (includes Rule 8 & Rule 9 claims)
CHR39[ADMIN] RCC Warranty Breach (Rule 8)
CHR40[ADMIN] Forged and Counterfeit Warranty Breach
CHR41[ADMIN] Retired/Ineligible Routing Number