Return all available user information including address information, screening results, etc.


Prerequisite to Using This API Call

Your platform will need to have purchased the "KYC and Sanctions" data service as part of its contract with Synapse in order to use the View User w/ Full Dehydrate call.

User Object (Full Dehydrate)

_idstringObject ID of the user
_links.self.hrefstringHAL-style link for the user object
client.idstringID of the client that created the user
client.namestringName of the client that created the user
documents[]array of objectsList of Base Document Objects
extra.cip_tagintegerCustomer Identification Program number
extra.date_joinedintegerDate user joined (milliseconds since Unix epoch time)
extra.is_businessbooleanFlag for businesses
extra.is_trustedbooleanFlag for trusted users
extra.last_updatedintegerDate user was last updated (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
extra.notestringInternal note field set by Synapse for the user. For instance, if a user account was closed this field will contain the closure reason listed above (e.g. "CLOSED due to duplicate Name and Email” or “CLOSED due to duplicate SSN” or "CLOSED due to duplicate TIN”).
extra.public_notestringAdditional note field set by the platform.
extra.supp_idstringAdditional ID to assign to the node
legal_namesarray of stringsLegal names associated with the user
logins[]array of objectsList of login objects
permissionstringSee User Permissions for more information.
permission_codestringFor closed or locked users, permission_code will specify the reason the user was closed or locked. See User Permission Codes (Reason Codes) for more information.
phone_numbersarray of stringsList of emails and phone numbers for verifying MFA
refresh_tokenstringUser-specific refresh token for oauth (expires after 10 uses)

Login Object

emailstringLogin email
scopestringPermissions granted to login credentials

Full Dehydrate Base Document Object

address_citystringCity associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp
address_country_codestringCountry associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (i.e. US)
address_postal_codestringPostal code associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp
address_streetstringStreet address associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp. Please include apartment suite or unit numbers
address_subdivisionstringState abbreviation associated with the document owner. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (i.e. CA) for US states
aliasstringAlias of the document owner (this can be the name or in case of businesses it can be the DBA entry)
daystringIn case of a person this is day of birth. In case of business entity, this is day of organization
emailstringEmail associated with the document
entity_scopestringSee Base Documents for more information
entity_typestringSee Base Documents for more information
idstringBase document ID
ipstringIP of where the document is being submitted from
monthstringIn case of a person this is month of birth. In case of business entity, this is month of organization
namestringName of the document owner
permission_scopestringSee Base Documents Intro for more information
phone_numberstringPhone number associated with the document
physical_docsarray of objectsList of View User w/ Full Dehydrate
screening_resultsarray of objectsList of screening tests and results. If MATCH user may require further investigation
social_docsarray of objectsList of View User w/ Full Dehydrate
virtual_docsarray of objectsList of View User w/ Full Dehydrate

Full Dehydrate Sub-Document Object

document_typestringType of sub-document (EMAIL, PHONE_NUMBER, AOI, etc.)
document_valuestringValue of sub-document (may be hashed depending on the type of document)
idstringID of the sub-document
last_updatedstringDate sub-document was last updated (milliseconds since Unix epoch time)
meta.matches.addressstringAddress match
meta.matches.dobstringDate of birth match
meta.matches.identificationstringIdentification match