View a ACH-US node

ACH Node Object

_idstringObject ID of the node
_links.self.hrefstringHAL-style link for the node
allowedstringDenotes available actions for the node. See Node Types and Node Statuses for more information
client.idstringID of the client associated with the node
client.namestringName of the client associated with the node
extra.notestringAccount notes
extra.other.access_tokenstringAccess token for node verification purposes
extra.other.updated_onintegerDate of last update to node (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
extra.supp_idstringSupplementary ID provided on node creation
info.account_numstringLast 4 digits of the account number associated with the node
info.addressstringAddress of the bank associated with the account
info.balance.amountstringCurrent balance associated with the account
info.balance.currencystringCurrency of the node
info.balance.updated_onintegerDate of last update to node balance (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
info.bank_codestringBank code
info.bank_hlogostringLink to image of bank H logo
info.bank_logostringLink to image of bank logo
info.bank_long_namestringName of the bank associated with the account
info.bank_namestringName of bank associated withe the account
info.bank_urlstringURL for bank website
info.classstringType of account (i.e. CHECKING, SAVINGS, etc.)
info.name_on_accountstringName of user associated with the account
info.nicknamestringNickname of node
info.routing_numstringLast 4 digits of the routing number associated with the node
info.typestringType of account BUSINESS or PERSONAL
info.match_infoobjectFor ACH transactions, an object describing if name, phone number, and email provided by the bank match the same values on file with Synapse.
info.match_info.name_matchstringIf the name on file matches name provided by bank. Can be "match", "no_match", or "not_found".

If the name is either a match (match) or is not provided (not_found), then ACH transactions should be allowed.

NOTE: If name does not match, there are several there are scenarios in which the transaction will be queued:

- if both email and phone numbers are not a match

- if both email and phone number are not found

- if email is not a match while phone number is not found

- if email is not found while phone number is not a match
info.match_info.phonenumber_matchstringIf the phone number on file matches phone number provided by bank. Can be "match", "no_match", or "not_found".

If phone number provided is a match (match), then ACH transactions should be allowed.

NOTE: If name provided is not a match, there are scenarios in which the transaction will be queued. Please refer to info.match_info.name_match for more details.
info.match_info.email_matchstringIf the email address on file matches email address provided by bank. Can be "match", "no_match", or "not_found".

If email address provided is a match (match), then ACH transactions should be allowed.

NOTE: If name provided is not a match, there are scenarios in which the transaction will be queued. Please refer to info.match_info.name_match for more details.
is_activebooleanDenotes active status of node
timelinearray of objectsList of updates to the node. See View ACH Account for more information
typestringType of node. See Node Types and Node Statuses for more information
user_idstringUser ID associate with node

Timeline Object

dateintegerDate of update to node (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
notestringNote about the node update


Force Refresh

If force refresh is successful, the info.balance.updated_on timestamp will update to the most recent date and time of update
