
Feature in Open Beta

This product has successfully progressed through closed beta and we believe it is ready for general customer use. We are finalizing product and reliability improvements to ensure all features will properly scale.

Swapped User Details Object

user_swappedstringA short summary of the user swap action performed.
user_idstringThe original user ID (i.e. the ID specified in the path of the API call). If the swap is successful, this user will be closed.
swapped_tostringThe user ID that will be swapped in. Please review the conditions below under which a user swap will not be performed.

Using the Swap User Call
You will generally first perform the Get Duplicate Users call to identify both the currently active user account (user_id) and the inactive user account to swap for the active one (swap_to_user_id). Upon performing the Swap User API call, the active user account will be closed (i.e. user permissions will be set to CLOSED) while the inactive user account (i.e. the account being β€œswapped in”) will be re-opened with UNVERIFIED permissions (i.e. KYC verification will need to be re-run for the user).

Please note below the conditions under which a user swap will not be performed:

  • If either user account has LOCKED or MAKE-IT-GO-AWAY permissions (invalid_permission error).
  • If both user accounts are UNVERIFIED.
  • If both user accounts are active (i.e. both have SEND-AND-RECEIVE permissions), as the user accounts are duplicates and one should be closed.
  • If the user accounts fall under different CIP tags (invalid_tags error).
  • If the user accounts are for different user types (e.g. business and personal accounts) (invalid_swap error).