
Feature in Open Beta

This product has successfully progressed through closed beta and we believe it is ready for general customer use. We are finalizing product and reliability improvements to ensure all features will properly scale.

Duplicate User Details Object

statusstringThe status of the user (i.e. its current permissions).
reasonstringThe reason for the associated status.
closed_users_idarray of stringsList of closed duplicate user IDs.
locked_users_idarray of stringsList of locked duplicate user IDs.
open_users_idarray of stringsList of open duplicate user IDs. This should generally have at most one ID, and only when the current user is CLOSED or LOCKED (i.e. since the duplicate user logic should automatically close all but one user).
permission_jsonobjectThis is a portion of the API response still in development.

Using the Get Duplicate Users Call
The Get Duplicate Users call is useful for identifying other user accounts connected to user specified in the call (i.e. to retrieve duplicate users). If any duplicates are found, the call should generally only have one active user while all the others should be inactive users (i.e. CLOSED, LOCKED, or MAKE-IT-GO-AWAY users). This can be especially useful if you wish to swap one user for another, but can also prove helpful if you're internally investigating certain user issues.
