Deprecated Request Fields

expediteboolean[DEPRECATED] Flag to expedite shipping speed of card. Extra fees apply

Card Shipment Object

._idstringObject ID of card shipment
addressobjectObject containing the address shipment information
address.address_care_ofstringOptional field for a "care of" portion of the address, when the recipient at the mailing address may not be the primary/normal recipient at that address.

The maximum characters allowed in the field is 50. All values greater than 50 will be truncated.

Note: If provided (e.g. w/ Add Mailing Address call) this will be printed under the first address line on the card as a secondary label (unless a separate secondary_label was provided).
address_citystringCity for the card shipment address.
address.address_country_codestringCountry code card shipment. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (e.g. US).
address.address_streetstringStreet address for the card shipment. This can be home address of a person or business address of a corp. Please include apartment, suite, or unit numbers.
address_subdivisionstringState or province abbreviation for the card shipment. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (e.g. CA).
address.address_postal_codestringPostal code (e.g. ZIP code) for the card shipment.
card_style_idstringStyle ID of card
created_on**integerCard creation date
deliverystringShipping speed of card. STANDARD, STANDARD|TRACKING, EXPEDITE, or OVERNIGHT
namestringName printed on card
node_idstringNode ID assoicated with the card shipment
secondary_labelstringOptional field beneath the cardholder name. Max character length: 26.

Note: If provided this will be printed under the first address line on the card as a secondary label. If secondary_label was not provided, please note that the address_care_of portion of a mailing address may still be printed on the card as a secondary label.
statusstringCard shipment status
subnet_idstringSubnet ID associated with the card shipment.
trackingstringTracking ID for card if it was shipped with a tracking number (Defaults as null)
transaction_idstringTransaction ID associated with the card shipment.

Additional Information

  • Cards may only be shipped twice every 6 months
  • To view the shipping status of a card in transit, please refer to the View Card Shipment call.