View Card Subnet Shipments

Card Shipment Object


This Feature is in Open Beta

This product has successfully progressed through closed beta and is ready for general customer use. We are finalizing product and reliability improvements to ensure all features will properly scale.

error_codestringSee Common Errors for more information
http_codestringSee Common Errors for more information
limitintegerNumber of card shipments to display per page
pageintegerPage number
page_countintegerNumber of pages
ship_countintegerTotal number of card shipments
ships[]array of objectsList of card shipment objects
ships.{}._idstringObject ID of card shipment
ships.{}.addressobjectObject containing the address shipment information
ships.{}.address.address_care_ofstringOptional field for a "care of" portion of the address, when the recipient at the mailing address may not be the primary/normal recipient at that address.

Note: If provided (e.g. w/ Add Mailing Address call) this will be printed under the first address line on the card as a secondary label (unless a separate secondary_label was provided).
ships.{}.address.address_citystringCity for the card shipment address.
ships.{}.address.address_country_codestringCountry code card shipment. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (e.g. US).
ships.{}.address.address_streetstringStreet address for the card shipment. This can be home address of a person or business address of a corp. Please include apartment, suite, or unit numbers.
ships.{}.address_subdivisionstringState or province abbreviation for the card shipment. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (e.g. CA).
ships.{}.address.address_postal_codestringPostal code (e.g. ZIP code) for the card shipment.
ships.{}.card_style_idstringStyle ID of card
ships.{}.created_onintegerCard creation date
ships.{}.deliverystringShipping speed of card. STANDARD, STANDARD|TRACKING, EXPEDITE, or OVERNIGHT
ships.{}.namestringName printed on card
ships.{}.secondary_labelstringOptional field beneath the cardholder name

Note: If provided this will be printed under the first address line on the card as a secondary label. If secondary_label was not provided, please note that the address_care_of portion of a mailing address may still be printed on the card as a secondary label.
ships.{}.statusstringCard shipment status:

BATCHED -- The card data has been sent to our vendor for printing
SHIPPED -- The vendor has indicated the card has been shipped
RETURNED -- The shipping carrier was unable to deliver the card. It has been returned to the vendor for destruction
ships.{}.subnet_idstringObject ID of subnet
ships.{}.trackingstringTracking ID for card if it was shipped with a tracking number (Defaults as null)
successbooleanRequest success