Transaction Statuses

Transaction Object

_idstringObject ID of transaction
_links.self.hrefstringHAL-style link for the object
_vintegerStyle version
amountfloatAmount user wishes to send
currencystringCurrency of the transaction amount
client.idstringObject ID of client
client.namestringName of the client
extra.assetstringAsset being sold.
Only applicable to (TRADE-US and CRYPTO-US)

For CRYPTO-US acceptable values are BTC and ETH.
extra.created_onintegerDate transaction was created (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
extra.group_idstringAdditional group ID assigned to transaction
extra.ipstringSender's IP address
extra.location.address_citystringSender's city
extra.location.address_country_codestringSender's country code
extra.location.address_postal_codestringSender's postal code
extra.location.address_subdivisionstringSender's state
extra.location.latstringSender's latitude coordinate
extra.location.lonstringSender's longitude coordinate
extra.notestringMemo tagged with the transaction
extra.other.attachments[]array of strings[Deprecated]
extra.other.dispute_formstringDispute form link for debit card transactions
extra.other.disputedbooleanFlag for disputed transactions
extra.process_onintegerDate to process transaction (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
extra.same_daybooleanFlag for processing transactions with same day preferences
extra.settlement_delayintegerAmount of time to delay transaction (in days)
extra.supp_idstringAdditional ID supplied to transaction
extra.tracking_numberstringTracking number provided to transaction
fees[]array of objectsList of fees and fee nodes associated with transaction
from.idstringObject ID of sending user
from.meta.account_numstringAccount number of sending node
from.meta.addendastringAddenda attached to from node
from.meta.company_idstringAccount ID of company sending transaction
from.meta.company_namestringName of company sending transaction
from.meta.entry_classstringClass type representing how transaction was submitted
from.meta.monitoring_classstringClass type representing how transaction is being monitored
from.meta.namestringName of user sending transaction
from.meta.posting_datastringPosting data for transaction
from.meta.routing_numstringRouting number of sending node
from.meta.subnet_idstringSubnet ID of sending node
from.meta.tracking_idstringTracking number provided to transaction
from.meta.typestringMeta type of transaction
from.nicknamestringNickname of sending node
from.typestringType of transaction
from.user._idstringObject ID of sending user
from.user.legal_namesarray of stringsList of sending user legal names
recent_status.codestringIf a transaction is updated with transaction status of queued (QUEUED-BY-SYNAPSE), canceled (CANCELED), or returned (RETURNED) , this field will provide the transaction queue code (e.g. Q02), transaction cancellation code (e.g. C08), or transaction return code (e.g. R01, CR01, IR01, CHR01, or WR01) as appropriate. Both the code and a brief description are provided in the recent_status.note field.
recent_status.dateintegerDate of most recent update (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
recent_status.notestringAdditional notes about transaction
recent_status.statusstringStatus of transaction
recent_status.status_idstringStatus ID of transaction
timeline[]array of objectsList of timeline objects
to.idstringObject ID of receiving node
to.nicknamestringNickname of receiving node
to.typestringTypo of receiving node
to.user._idstringObject ID of receiving user
to.user.legal_names[]array of stringsList of receiving user legal names

Timeline Object

dateintegerDate of timeline update (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
notestringAdditional notes about transaction status update
statusstringStatus of transaction update
status_idstaringStatus ID of transaction update