View LOAN-US node

One-Time Loan Node Object

_idstringObject ID of the node
_links.self.hrefstringHAL-style link for the node
allowedstringDenotes available actions for the node. See Node Statuses for more information
client.idstringID of the client associated with the node
client.namestringName of the client associated with the node
extra.notestringAccount notes
extra.supp_idstringSupplementary ID provided on node creation
info.agreements[]array of objectsList of agreement documents. See below for more information
info.auto_paybooleanFlag to turn auto pay on or off. Can be set when loan is created or updated after loan is created
info.balance.amountfloatCurrent balance associated with the account
info.balance.currencystringCurrency of the node
info.credit_limit.amountfloatMaximum credit allowed
info.credit_limit.currencystringCurrency of the node
info.disbursement_node_idstringObject ID of node to disperse funds
info.document_idstringBase document ID of user associated with the node
info.installment_amountfloatAmount per installment payment
info.installments[]array of objectsList of installment amounts and dates installments (milliseconds since Unix epoch time) are to be paid
info.interest.accruedfloatAmount of interest accrued
info.interest.aprfloatAnnual percentage rate charged
info.interest.capfloatMaximum interest that will be charged
info.loan_typestringType of loan
info.name_on_accountstringName of user associated with the account
info.next_paymentintegerDate of next payment (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
info.nicknamestringNickname of node
info.num_paymentsstringTotal number of payments to be made
info.payment_node_idstringObject ID of node to withdraw payments from
info.*schedulestringHow often loan will be paid off
is_activebooleanDenotes active status of node
timeline[]array of objectsList of updates to the node. See Timeline Object for more information
typestringType of node. See Node Types for more information
user_idstringUser ID associate with node

Agreement Object

typestringType of agreement
urlstringURL link to agreement

Timeline Object

dateintegerDate of update to node (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
notestringNote about the node update

Revolving Loan Node Object

_idstringObject ID of the node
_links.self.hrefstringHAL-style link for the node
allowedstringDenotes available actions for the node. See Node Statuses for more information
client.idstringID of the client associated with the node
client.namestringName of the client associated with the node
extra.notestringAccount notes
extra.supp_idstringSupplementary ID provided on node creation
info.agreements[]array of objectsList of agreement documents. See below for more information
info.auto_paybooleanFlag to turn auto pay on or off. Can be set when loan is created or updated after loan is created
info.balance.amountfloatCurrent balance associated with the account
info.balance.currencystringCurrency of the node
info.credit_limit.amountfloatMaximum credit allowed
info.credit_limit.currencystringCurrency of the node
info.document_idstringBase document ID of user associated with the node
info.interest.accruedfloatAmount of interest accrued
info.interest.aprfloatAnnual percentage rate charged
info.interest.capfloatMaximum interest that will be charged
info.loan_typestringType of loan
info.name_on_accountstringName of user associated with the account
info.nicknamestringNickname of node
info.*schedulestringHow often loan will be paid off
is_activebooleanDenotes active status of node
timeline[]array of objectsList of updates to the node. See Timeline Object for more information
typestringType of node. See Node Types for more information
user_idstringUser ID associate with node

Agreement Object

typestringType of agreement
urlstringURL link to agreement

Timeline Object

dateintegerDate of update to node (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
notestringNote about the node update