AC/RT accounts are subnets built on nodes

Subnet Object

_id stringObject ID of subnet
_links.self.hrefstringHAL-style link for the subnet object
account_classstringAccount class of subnet
account_numstringAccount number associated with subnet
client.idstringID of the client associated with the subnet
client.namestringName of the client associated with the subnet
created_onintegerDate of subnet creation (milliseconds since Unix epoch time).
nicknamestringNickname given to the AC/RT account
node_idstringNode ID associated with the subnet. Funds will be credited to this node when credits arrive
routing_num.achstringRouting number for ACH transfers
routing_num.wirestringRouting number fo wire transfers
statusstringSubnet status. See Update AC/RT Account for more information
supp_idstringAdditional ID supplied to subnet
user_idstringUser ID associate with the subnet