Check if an address is valid

Request Body

address_streetstring[Required] Street address associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp. Please include apartment suite or unit numbers
address_citystring[Required] City associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp
address_subdivisionstring[Required] State abbreviation associated with the document owner. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (e.g. CA)
address_country_codestring[Required] Country associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp. This value needs to be in ISO Alpha-2 (e.g. US)
address_postal_codestring[Required] Postal code associated with the document owner, this can be home address of a person or business address of a corp


  • View Results in Right Panel for Example Responses
Deliverability ResultDescription
usps_deliverableStandard supplied address is a USPS deliverable address.
deliverableAddress is deliverable based on supplemental check. Check normalized_address object in response for deliverable address to use (e.g. in case "ST" supplied when deliverable address has "AVE").
deliverable_incorrect_unitBase address is deliverable but supplied unit appears incorrect (e.g. actual unit number may be "APT 103" and original input may point to a non-existent unit like "APT 1003").
deliverable_missing_unitBase address is deliverable but expected unit was not supplied. Check normalized_address object in response for deliverable address to use.
deliverable_unnecessary_unitAddress is deliverable but additional unit supplied when not necessary.
google_undeliverableUser will not be verified, please try reentering or inputting a new address.

Deliverability Analysis Object

deliverability_analysis. partial_validbooleanTrue if address is partially valid.
deliverability_analysis. primary_number_invalidbooleanTrue if primary address number is invalid.
deliverability_analysis. primary_number_missingbooleanTrue if primary address number is missing.
deliverability_analysis. secondary_invalidbooleanTrue if secondary address line (e.g. unit) is invalid or unnecessary.
deliverability_analysis. secondary_missingbooleanSecondary address line (e.g. unit) missing.