Request Body

documents[]array of objects[Required] List of base documents objects with the social_docs and 2FA devices you wish to add to the user

Base Document Object

idstring[Required] Base document ID
social_docs[]array of objects[Required] List of social document objects you wish to add to the user

Social Document Object

document_typestring[Required] Set as PHONE_NUMBER_2FA or EMAIL_2FA
document_valuestring[Required] Email or Phone Number to send MFA pin
mfa_answerstring[Required] MFA pin sent to user's Email or Phone Number

Additional Information

  • The initial 2FA document status will be SUBMITTED|REVIEWING
  • If you View User before submitting the pin, the status will update to SUBMITTED|MFA_PENDING
  • When the pin is submitted successfully, the 2FA document status will update to SUBMITTED|VALID
  • When the pin is submitted unsuccessfully, the 2FA document status will update to SUBMITTED|INVALID