Request Body

Unless specified, all of the following objects and associated fields are required to generate this document


Successful Response

If the response is successful, then the UBO/Reg GG form will be automatically uploaded it as a REG__GG as a physical document to the business user.

compliance_contactobjectContact information
entity_infoobjectInformation about the business
ownersobjectOwner information
primary_controlling_contactobjectPrimary Controlling Contact information
signerobjectSigner information

Compliance Contact Object

document_idstringDocument ID of businessโ€™s compliance contact
relationship_to_entitystringCompliance contact's title at the business

Entity Info Object

document_idstringDocument ID of business opening account
cryptocurrencybooleanSet as false if business is not involved with cryptocurrency
gamblingbooleanSet as false if business is not involved with the internet gambling business
majority_owned_by_listedbooleanSet as false if business is not majority owned (50% or more) by a public company
msb.federalbooleanSet as false if business does not have Money Transmission Licenses (MTL) in any states
msb.statesarray of stringsList of states that business has Money Transmission Licenses (MTL) in
public_companybooleanSet as false if business is not a public company
registered_secbooleanSet as false if business is not registered with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
regulated_financialbooleanSet as false if business is not a regulated financial company

Owners Object

document_idstringDocument ID of beneficial owner
ownershipstringOptional Percentage of owner's ownership of the business ( only required if higher than 10%)
titlestringOwner's title in relation to business

Primary Controlling Contact Object

document_idstringDocument ID of businessโ€™s primary controlling contact. This is typically an executive officer or senior manager (ex: CEO or CFO) OR an individual who regularly performs similar functions
relationship_to_entitystringPrimary controlling contact's title at the business

Signer Object

document_idstringDocument ID of individual completing the form
relationship_to_entitystringSigner's title at the business