Request Body

logins[]array of objects[Required] List of login credentials (refer to "User Login Credentials Object" below)
phone_numbersarray of strings[Required] All the phone numbers and emails you wish to register with this account
legal_namesarray of strings[Required] All the legal names you wish to register with this account
documents[]array of objectsUser KYC documents
extra.cip_tagintegerCIP tag associated with the account
extra.extra_security booleanIf you wish for the user to get a 2FA code every time they OAuth or Login themselves, set this to true
extra.notestringAny note that you wish to supply to Synapse about the user (not returned with user object)
extra.public_notestringAny note that you wish to attach to the user (returned with user object)
extra.is_businessbooleanSet to true if business account
extra.supp_idstringAdditional ID to assign to node

User Login Credentials Object

emailstring[Required] Login email
passwordstring[Required] Must be at least 8 characters long and include a combination of the following: a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, and a special character