Request Body

urlstring[Required] URL destination for webhooks
scopearray of stringScope of the subscription

Scope Syntax


Subscription Limits

Only one subscription can be enabled for each scope. So if you have multiple subscription objects, we recommend disabling subscriptions that you do not wish to use any longer.


Originating IP Address

We will send webhooks from

Scope‌‌ ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌  ‌‌Effect
NODES|POSTWhenever a node is created with your gateway credentials, you will receive a webhook
NODE|PATCHWhenever a node is updated with your gateway credentials, you will receive a webhook
USERS|POSTWhenever a user is created with your gateway, you will receive a webhook
USER|PATCHWhenever a user in your platform is updated, you will receive a webhook
TRANS|POSTWhenever a transaction is created within your gateway credentials, you will receive a webhook
TRANS|POST|JITWhenever a transaction is created within your gateway credentials that requires Transaction Decisioning, you will receive a webhook.
TRAN|PATCHWhenever a transaction is updated with your gateway credentials, you will receive a webhook
SUBNETS|POSTWhenever a subnet is created with your gateway credentials, you will receive a webhook
SUBNET|PATCHWhenever a subnet is updated with your gateway credentials, you will receive a webhook

Testing Webhooks

In order to ensure delivery of your webhooks, we recommend testing the webhook integration. Tools like Webhook Site are helpful when testing webhooks.
