Industry in which the document owner operates. In case of an individual it can be their field of profession; in case of a corp this can be their line of business. Can be hard-coded as NOT_KNOWN.
Entity type of the document owner, this can be gender in case of an individual or DBA in case of a business. Can be hard-coded as Not Known (e.g. if platform doesn't ask individual end-users to specify gender).
ID of the base document
[If Part of Your Decisioning (i.e. On Spec Sheet)] Based on documents submitted for user and can be found in the base document. If the ID score is above an agreed-upon threshold, user will be SEND-AND-RECEIVE. If the score is below a certain threshold, user will be UNVERIFIED and additional KYC will be required. Refer to ID Score for more details.
If false, base document wont participate in user permission decisioning. Default is true.
Flag to indicate if any documents triggered a MATCH in watchlists / sanctions lists checks performed by Synapse's KYC verification system. See Sanctions Tiers and Watchlists Explained for more information.